
Breakout Session: A Lap around Avalon

Well, due to my tablet side session I got to this session pretty late. It was PACKED. I stood for some time until I saw someone leave, then took a seat. This session was much like the Lap around Indigo session in that it was providing a foundation of the basic principles of the Presentation Framework that could be expanded upon by the rest of the sessions. To be honest I didn’t follow much of what was going on in the session.

Side Session: Tablet PC in Vista

I had planned on going to a breakout session on managed code snap-ins for MMC, but I got an email inviting me to an informal side session on the Tablet PC instead (from someone who read my LS800 review no less). This was a pretty neat session and I really enjoyed it, but it ran a bit long and into my next session which wasn’t so nice. There was a representative from Motion Computing there and I overheard him talking about Motion offering a “HP Trade-in” program to accept old HP tablets of a model they were discontinuing for discounts on the new Motions.

Breakout Session: A Lap around Indigo

This was my first breakout session for the day after the keynote. The first few minutes were nothing really new if you had read anything on Indigo before. It served as an introduction to the concepts behind Indigo so that people would have a basis for the further sessions. Some items of note from this session (and pardon if these are a bit random): The attributes for DataMember and DataContract do not respect the class or member scoping identifiers.