
New Version of ZoomIt is out

It looks like I’m a little late to the game, but ZoomIt 2.0 was released at the end of May. This is an awesome tool for presenters. New features include being able to draw straight lines, ovals, squares and having a “sketch pad” in drawing mode (where the whole screen is either blacked out or turned white for you to draw on). If you present often I can’t recommend this FREE tool enough.

Indy Code Camp 2008

The first ever Indy Code Camp was last weekend so I don’t feel as bad being late in blogging about it. I don’t recall where I came across the event, but I’m glad I did. Aaron Lerch and the staff did a really good job with the event. The facility they have for the IndyNDA and the event was awesome. I wish we had something similar around Cincinnati (if you know of one, let me know!

Speaking at Indy Code Camp

I have been selected to talk at the Indy Code Camp this year! I’ll be giving my “Be A Rules Follower” talk based on the Windows Workflow Rules Engine. I’ve given the talk several times now and it has been very well received (at least from the feedback I’ve seen/heard). The Indy Code Camp is on April 26th, the Saturday after the Central Ohio Day of .NET. Looks like back to back weekends of .