I’ve got more information on the Ron Jacbos talk next week. Check it out on the CINNUG blog: http://cinnug.org/blogs/blog/archive/2007/10/01/ron-jacobs-to-speak-in-cincinnati.aspx
After seeing a few presentations recently I thought I’d throw this out there. You don’t have to stop your PowerPoint presentation so that you can switch to a demo or another application. Just Alt-Tab (or Windows-Tab if you’re on Vista) over to the other application. If you need to spin up the other application then just hit the Windows key to bring up the start menu and go from there. This saves people watching you flip back to PowerPoint later and try to get find the right button to get the slide show started again (doing that is much nicer with Office 2007, but still, it’s not necessary).
Last night we held the first ever Special Interest Group (SIG): Cincinnati SQL Server User Group (CincySQL) meeting at MAX. We had a great turn out of ~35 attendees (though the official sign in sheet had less than 30 on it…..please remember to sign in!). Microsoft SQL Server MVP Jason Follas gave a talk on Exploiting the Capabilities of XML in SQL Server 2005. It was great to have such a well known persona in the SQL community come speak at the first meeting and we appreciate the drive he made down from Toledo.