I’m selling my tablet. It comes with lots of accessories and a heck of a deal compared to what it would cost new.
Check it out on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290128774149
Xiine (pronounced like seen with ‘Z’ sound) is a desktop reader application based on .Net 3.0 (WCF and WPF). It is written by EPS Software Corp., the same folks that bring us CoDe Magazine. I’ll let Markus Egger explain more about it on his blog (look for an upcoming announcement on it).
Xiine is a smart client application and utilizes Click Once Deployment. The link to install is : http://setup.
I’m looking for a Bluetooth controller for the Zune. I know I can get a Bluetooth adapter that just plugs into the headphone jack, but I’m looking for one that can actually control the Zune. For example here is something similiar that works the iPod http://eleksen.com/?page=products/controlelectronics/ce_bluetoothcontrollers.asp. Given that the Zune dock and remote control is out there I know that the device can be controlled via the connection on the bottom.