Chris Pratley has a cool introduction to OneNote Mobile, the new application shipping with OneNote 12 that allows note taking and synchronizaiton between your SmartPhone and OneNote! Pretty neat. I don’t have a smart phone, but this still sounds pretty cool.
As I stated earlier I got invited to be part of the OneNote Beta 1 testing, which is going pretty well. I can’t talk about what I’m seeing, but so far I do like what I see.
The client I’m at uses WebSense Enterprise for internet content filtering. Usually this doens’t impact me at all, but today I got the following blocked content message while attempting to go to (sorry, for some reason my stylesheet isn’t allowing the image to show up here….scroll to the bottom of the page if you are viewing via web) Now, I’m wondering if this translates to they think Micorosoft is smoking something?
Check out the new “shared notebook” features of OneNote 12. Very nice. Now if I can get more co-workers and clients using this tool.
Also, tables, embedded documents, drag/drop notes and more!