Cloud Develop 2013 Conference

The Cloud Develop conference is right around the corner on August 30th in Columbus, OH. I’ll be speaking there along with many really smart people (yeah, I snuck in somehow) who are living and breathing cloud computing every day. This isn’t just a Windows Azure event. There will be talks on Amazon Web Services, Cloud Foundry, Heroku and more. The tickets are only $15 so register now!

Layouts O Rama–VS Extension

At work I’ve been trying out a standing desk set up. The standing desk is made up a few items from IKEA and was very cheap to get started (the idea taken from a blog post a coworker passed on to me). As you can see I have one monitor currently for the stand up part and two monitors still lower. At this point I’m still trying to get used to standing more and so I still use a chair most of the day.

Recap: Node.js & Windows Azure Mobile Services Workshop and Hackathon

CINNUG had an event this past weekend and from what I heard from feedback it was a resounding success. Glenn Block, Senior Program Manager at Microsoft for the Windows Azure SDK and Command Line Tools, came all the way out from Washington to teach us the fundamentals of Node.js and Windows Azure Mobile Services. I have to admit the topic of the event was somewhat selfish on my part. I’ve been wanting to learn more about Node.